Who We Are
The Great Bridge Woman’s Club is a nonprofit organization that enhances the cultural, educational, social, civic, and charitable welfare of the community and beyond through donations and volunteer service. Our community service programs support arts and culture, civic engagement and outreach, education and libraries, environment, and health and wellness.

Why Join
The Great Bridge Woman’s Club offers members:
The opportunity to work toward developing a better community and to work on an individual and group level. | Personal growth through civic and cultural awareness. | Leadership growth opportunities in leading group projects or programs. | The opportunity to develop friendships with a diverse group of women through meetings, projects, and social events.

Our Mission
The object of this nonprofit organization shall be to enhance the cultural, educational, social, civic, and charitable welfare of the community and beyond through donations and volunteer service.

Projects and Programs
– Presents the Creekmore-Myers Academic Scholarship to a local high school student
– Presents the Frances Shook Art Award to local high school students
– Donates plants and trees to local schools
– Participates in Pinwheels for Prevent Child Abuse Campaign
– Donates and volunteers for Operation Smile
– Donates Salvation Army Angel Tree
– Donates food to a local food pantry
– Donates items to the Union Mission Women’s Emergency Shelter
– Donates to Maison Fortune Orphanage Foundation to Haiti
– Donates toiletries to Fisher House
– Participates in the Bra-Ha-Ha
– Donates to the Hampton Veteran’s Medical Center
– Donates to the International Heifer Program
– Donates to the H.E.R. Shelter for Women and Children
– Works with the GFWC to prevent human trafficking
– Participates in the Albemarle Drive Clean UP twice a year
– Provides Birthday Bags to CHIPS